50 ASN ( 53 ) 137 ASN ( 140 )
In the table below all normal histidine residues are listed. The assignment based on the geometry of the residue is listed first, together with the RMS Z-score for the fit to the Engh and Huber parameters. For all residues where the H-bond assignment is different, the assignment is listed in the last columns, together with its RMS Z-score to the Engh and Huber parameters.
As always, the RMS Z-scores should be close to 1.0 if the residues were restrained to the Engh and Huber parameters during refinement.
Please note that because the differences between the geometries of the different types are small it is possible that the geometric assignment given here does not correspond to the type used in refinement. This is especially true if the Z-scores are much higher than 1.0.
If the two assignments differ, or the ``geometry'' Z-score is high, it is advisable to verify the hydrogen bond assignment, check the HIS type used during the refinement and possibly adjust it.
31 HIS ( 31 ) HIS-E 0.69 HIS-H 1.28
Hydrogen bond donors that are buried inside the protein normally use all of their hydrogens to form hydrogen bonds within the protein. If there are any non hydrogen bonded buried hydrogen bond donors in the structure they will be listed here. In very good structures the number of listed atoms will tend to zero.
2 ASN ( 2 ) N 14 ARG ( 14 ) NH1 21 THR ( 21 ) N 21 THR ( 21 ) OG1 25 TYR ( 25 ) N 89 ASP ( 92 ) N 93 ARG ( 96 ) NH1 138 GLN ( 141 ) NE2