Note: Second generation packing environment OK

None of the individual amino acid residues has a bad packing environment.

Note: No series of residues with abnormal new packing environment

There are no stretches of four or more residues each having a quality control Z-score worse than -1.75.

Note: Structural average packing Z-score OK

The structural average for the second generation quality control value is within normal ranges.

 All   contacts    : Average =  0.259 Z-score =   1.44
 BB-BB contacts    : Average =  0.212 Z-score =   1.13
 BB-SC contacts    : Average =  0.236 Z-score =   1.51
 SC-BB contacts    : Average =  0.015 Z-score =   0.21
 SC-SC contacts    : Average =  0.203 Z-score =   1.40