Warning: Abnormal packing environment for some residues

The residues listed in the table below have an unusual packing environment.

The packing environment of the residues is compared with the average packing environment for all residues of the same type in good PDB files. A low packing score can indicate one of several things: Poor packing, misthreading of the sequence through the density, crystal contacts, contacts with a co-factor, or the residue is part of the active site. It is not uncommon to see a few of these, but in any case this requires further inspection of the residue.

  77 ARG  (  80 )    -5.75
 138 GLN  ( 141 )    -5.53
 151 ARG  ( 154 )    -5.33
 102 GLN  ( 105 )    -5.23
 132 LYS  ( 135 )    -5.17

Note: No series of residues with bad packing environment

There are no stretches of three or more residues each having a quality control score worse than -4.0.

Note: Structural average packing environment OK

The structural average quality control value is within normal ranges.

Average for range 1 - 159 : -0.144