Note: Side chain planarity OK
All of the side chains of residues that have a planar group are
planar within expected RMS deviations.
Note: Atoms connected to aromatic rings OK
All of the atoms that are connected to planar aromatic rings in side
chains of amino-acid residues are in the plane within expected RMS
Warning: Unusual PRO puckering amplitudes
The proline residues listed in the table below have a puckering
amplitude that is outside of normal ranges. Puckering parameters
were calculated by the method of Cremer and Pople. Normal PRO
rings have a puckering amplitude Q between 0.20 and 0.45
Angstrom. If Q is lower than 0.20 Angstrom for a PRO residue, this
could indicate disorder between the two different normal ring forms
(with C-gamma below and above the ring, respectively). If Q is
higher than 0.45 Angstrom something could have gone wrong during the
83 PRO ( 86 ) 0.10 LOW
140 PRO ( 143 ) 0.16 LOW
Note: PRO puckering phases OK
Puckering phases for all PRO residues are normal