Note: Summary report for users of a structure

This is an overall summary of the quality of the structure as compared with current reliable structures. This summary is most useful for biologists seeking a good structure to use for modelling calculations.

The second part of the table mostly gives an impression of how well the model conforms to common refinement constraint values. The first part of the table shows a number of constraint-independent quality indicators.

Structure Z-scores, positive is better than average:

  1st generation packing quality :   0.891
  2nd generation packing quality :   1.444
  Ramachandran plot appearance   :  -0.105
  chi-1/chi-2 rotamer normality  :  -0.431
  Backbone conformation          :   0.551

RMS Z-scores, should be close to 1.0:
  Bond lengths                   :   0.887
  Bond angles                    :   1.143
  Omega angle restraints         :   0.437 (tight)
  Side chain planarity           :   0.934
  Improper dihedral distribution :   1.053
  B-factor distribution          :   3.497 (loose)
  Inside/Outside distribution    :   0.930