- Accessibility
Calculate the accessible molecular surface. Output per atom.
- Buried surface.
Calculate the surface buried relative to the residue in vacuum.
- Accessible Molecular Surface
Calculate the accessible molecular surface. Output per residue.
- Relative Surface exposure.
Often normal accessibility calculations exaggerate
things. This server calculates for every residue what
its accessibility would be if you would have mutated
it into an alanine.
- Surface buried by a ligand.
This server calculates the molecular surface area
that is buried because a ligand is bound to a
If you have detected any error, or have any question or suggestion,
please send an Email to Gert Vriend.
Roland Krause, Maarten L Hekkelman, Jens E Nielsen,
Gert Vriend.
Last modified Mon Jan 29 12:33:00 2018