This servers takes the input coordinates and lists a one-line description for
each contact between two atoms that are in different chains. Covalent bonds
between chains are not listed. Two atoms are called in contact when the distance between their
Van der Waals surfaces is less than 1.0 Angstrom.
For each contact pair the line contains:
the two atoms;
their distance;
a measure for their H-bond interaction (on a scale from 0.0-1.0);
the accessible molecular surface of the most accessible of the two residues involved in the contact;
a code (X-Y) in which X and Y can be S or B for Side cain or Backbone, indicating
whether the atom involved is a Side chain or Backbone atom.
If you have detected any error, or have any question or suggestion,
please send an Email to Gert Vriend.
Roland Krause, Maarten L Hekkelman, Jens E Nielsen,
Gert Vriend.