
Residue contact diagonal plot


A two dimensional plot is generated. The sequence is placed along each of the axes. Little squares indicate that the corresponding residues on the two axes make at least one atomic contact in the PDB file.


A contact is defined as two atoms for which the distance between the Van der Waals surfaces is less than 1.0 Ångstrom.
WHAT IF uses the following Van der Waals radii: C:1.8 Ångstrom; O:1.4 Ångstrom; N:1.7 Ångstrom; S:2.0 Ångstrom.
Either Choose a pdb-file,
Or Choose your own file

If you have detected any error, or have any question or suggestion, please send an Email to Gert Vriend.
Roland Krause, Maarten L Hekkelman, Jens E Nielsen, Gert Vriend.

Last modified Mon Jan 29 12:33:00 2018