
Complete a structure


With this server you can model missing sidechains in a protein.


The missing side chains will be modeled using the method described in:
The use of position specific rotamers in model building by homology. G. Chinea, G. Padron, R.W.W.Hooft, C.Sander, G.Vriend, PROTEINS (1995) 23, 415-421.
Either Choose a pdb-file,
Or Choose your own file

Sometimes one or more (parts of) side chains are not present in a PDB file. This can happen when a side chain is highly mobile or disordered in the crystal. This option will model the missing side chains.",
After structure completion the worst geometric deviations from perfect will be fixed. If you have detected any error, or have any question or suggestion, please send an Email to Gert Vriend.
Roland Krause, Maarten L Hekkelman, Jens E Nielsen, Gert Vriend.

Last modified Mon Jan 29 12:33:00 2018