This course has two goals:
Introduce (mainly chemistry) students to a series of concepts behind tools
commonly used in in silico drug design. (And remember, the
pharmaceutical industry is by far the biggest employer for theoretical
chemists). |
These two goals will be pursued through a series of six seminars that each come with associated texts, videos, and practical exercises.
The seminar | What you will learn |
Drug docking. The computational core of in silico drug design is Drug Docking . The underlying idea is that small molecules are tested for their fitness for a binding site in a target (that normally is a protein). | The role of mobility of ligand and target; possibilities and limitations of today's methods and software; which Force Fields are being used, and how; the role of drug design in the overall drug design process. |
Homology modelling. In most drug design studies the structure of the target (protein) is not yet known. In many cases Homology Modelling can be used to predict this structure. | Independent of the fine details of the methods, homology modelling always proceeds along a similar set of steps. These steps will be explained, together with their strengths and weaknesses. A large number of Force Fields is being used in homology modelling, and these will be discussed. |
Structure validation. Homology models and experimental structures both contain errors. A large number of (mainly Force Field based) methods exists that can be used to detect these errors. Different experimental errors are made when different experimental techniques are being used, and the validation seminar will address this point. | Essential differences between X-ray and NMR (the two main techniques used for experimental structure determination) will be discussed. Their strong and weak points will be mentioned. Validation techniques, and the associated Force Fields will be discussed. |
Energy calculations and dynamics. In the docking, homology modelling, and validation seminars you have heard that molecules are not rigid. Their mobility can be estimated using force field based methods. | This seminar discusses the Force Field used in Molecular Dynamics and Energy Minimisation techniques. This type of Force Field is also often used in Drug Docking projects. |
Force Fields. Force Fields are a very common tool in in silico biology, chemistry, etcetera. In its simplest form a Force Field is an algorithm with the associated data that can be used to describe a system and often also to predict the future of that system. | In this seminar five types of Force Field will be discussed to illustrate the versatility of Force Field based methods. |
"Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution" is a 1973 essay by the evolutionary biologist and Russian Orthodox Christian Theodosius Dobzhansky. | Homology modelling is the process by which the unknown structure of a protein can be predicted using is similarity to a homologous protein with known structure. Homology means having a common ancestor. Sequence alignment is at the basis of homology modelling. Sequence analysis techniques can tell us much more about alignments and some examples will be discussed. |
And if you want to hear it differently, look at these older videos. The previous page overrules them,
but they haven't lost validity. Some videos discuss exam questions... So, these videos are also a
good way to start preparing for the exam.
At the end of the course you are able to describe the following concepts their application in practice, and to relate them to each other.
And if you want a motivator, look here.
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