- 08:30 Start of the meeting at breakfast table in the hotel
- 09:30 Departure to CMBI
- 10:00 G Vriend: Introduction to the NewProt project.
- 10:15 B v Kampen: Logistics
- 10:30 R Gerritsen, B v Kampen: Money matters
- 10:45 Coffee
- 11:00 Start of partner profiles
- 11:00 G Vriend: CMBI
- 11:15 U Bornscheuer: EMAUG
- 11:30 H-J Joosten: BIOP
- 11:45 R Wardenga: ENZYM
- 12:00 E Krieger: YAS
- 12:15 I Archer: INGEN
- 12:30 Lunch
- 14:30 L Pugliese: SAFAN
- 14:45 P Haase: FLUID
- 15:00 S Nabuurs: LEAD
- 15:15 J Damborski: ENTIS
- 15:30 Thee
- 16:00 I Archer: Consortium agreement
- 16:30 P Haase: 'The portal'
- 16:45 U Bornscheuer: Experimental validation
- 17:00 G Vriend: Your To-Do-Lists
- 17:15 Drinks and discussion
- 20:00 Joint dinner in hotel
Obviously, the discussions on "The Portal" and on "Experimental Validation" should
be much longer than 15 minutes. The alotted 15 minutes are meant to give a abstract vision on the mission
and the means. Most partners will be also present on either Tuesday 24 and/or Thursday 26. Those days
are reserved for a much more in-depth discussion on these two main NewProt topics.