NewProt: A European protein engineering project
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The main goal of the NewProt project is to produce an experimentally validated portal for protein engineering (with a strong bias towards enzyme engineering).

Nearly all of the text of the NewProt proposal will be made available upon request. In this section of this website we show you some sections that best suumarise NewProt's concepts.

The main overview of the proposal summarises the concept and measurable objectives. The section on innovation and methods summarises the experimental methods NewProt will develope and employ. The summary of the workplan provides the introduction to the workpackages.

WP #List of workpackages
WP 1Design and implementation of protein engineering website, SSP
WP 2Databases and query system
WP 3Software collection, design, and integration
WP 4Sequence analysis and visualisation
WP 5Structure analysis and visualisation
WP 6Experimental validation
Graphical representation of the relation between the workpackages

Figure legend. The final product of NewProt, the SSP, is represented by the vertical yellow column. The actual SSP is designed by WP1, and protein engineering specific facilities are provided by WP2-5. All WPs include the production of documentation, help facilities, and courses. The white-background boxes to the left list the partners involved in each WP (lead partner in bold face) and their contribution to this WP in months of effort. WP6, the experimental validation, is represented by the 'iterative cycle of protein engineering'. Inclusion of third party products will, when opportune, be performed by the partner most suitable for that action.


  The NewProt project is funded by the European Commission within its FP7 Programme, under the thematic area KBBE-2011-5 with contract number 289350.