NewProt: A European protein engineering project
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First Annual meeting; January 2013
Most of you will be present either on Jan 28-29, or Jan 29-30; a few of us will be in Nijmegen a bit longer than that. As soon as we have more information than now listed (to the left) we will put it here. So, take the occasional look.
Tuesday Jan 29 we will have the meeting in which we will fulfill the formal requirements. This day you get instructions for the financial and other reporting which will be due June-1 2013, covering the first 18 months of the project.
On the 29-th we will start at 10:00 with the formal and administrative bits, and we will use the afternoon for the scientific reporting and demos. The programme to the left has been updated, but will be updated a few more times. I hope everybody will prepare a 10 minute presentation about their results. Some of you will be asked to talk a bit longer.

  The NewProt project is funded by the European Commission within its FP7 Programme, under the thematic area KBBE-2011-5 with contract number 289350.